Place born
Organisation / Person
1693-1776, horologist and clock-maker, English

Harrison, John

1693 - 1776

1694-1757, court jester of August the Strong, Austrian

Fröhlich, Joseph

1694 - 1757

1697-1763, man-midwife, Scottish; British

Smellie, William

1697 - 1763

1691-1759, draftsman; printmaker, German

Heumann, Georg Daniel

1691 - 1759

1683-1744, natural philosopher; engineer, French born, active England

Desaguliers, John Theophilus

1683 - 1744

1693-1768, duke of Newcastle upon Tyne; first duke of Newcastle under Lyme, prime minister, English

Holles, Thomas Pelham-

1693 - 1768

1687-1748, instrument maker, Dutch

Musschenbroek, Jan van

1687 - 1748

active 1724-1747, optical instrument maker, English; British

Loft, Matthew

1697 - 1747

1692-1767, artist; printmaker, Dutch

Folkema, Jacob

1692 - 1767

1697-1751, painter; mezzotint engraver; printmaker, British American

Pelham, Peter

1697 - 1751

1682-1744, natural philosopher; optical instrument maker; mathematician, British; English

Hadley, John

1682 - 1744

1690-1762, politician, English; British

Wallop, John

1690 - 1762

1683-1760, King of Great Britain and Ireland, reigned 1727-1760

George II

1683 - 1760

1681-1754, artist, draughtsman, engraver, painter, printmaker, French

Rigaud, J

1681 - 1754

1692-1761, natural philosopher (physicist), Dutch

Musschenbroek, Pieter van

1692 - 1761

1695-1769, physician; botanist; publisher, German?

Trew, Christopher Jacob

1695 - 1769

1688-1752, surgeon; anatomist, English

Cheselden, William

1688 - 1752

1684/5-1761, medical practitioner; inventor of medicines, English

Ward, Joshua

1684 - 1761

1689-1752, artist; painter, British

Whood, Isaac

1689 - 1752

1685-1746, man-midwife; surgeon, French

Mesnard, Jacques

1685 - 1746

1697-1764, painter; engraver, English; British

Hogarth, William

1697 - 1764

Hogarth, William

1697 - 1764

Anson, George

1697 - 1762


Chadwicke, John

1684 - 1734

1697-1732, shipwright, Portsmouth naval Dockyard, English

Hammond, William

1697 - 1732

c. 1692-1776, active 1742-1770, medallist; coin engraver, Italian-born, British

Pingo, Thomas

1692 - 1712

Harrison, John

1693 - 1776

1692-1762, astronomer, English; British

Bradley, James

1692 - 1762

Baron Anson, 1697-1762, naval officer; politician, British; English

Anson, George

1697 - 1762

active 1728, d. 1775

Tanner, John Sigismund

1700 - 1775

1695-1766, active 1720-1750, mathematical, philosophical, optical instrument maker, London, England

Cole, Benjamin

1695 - 1766

1687-1765, antiquary; natural philosopher, British

Stukeley, William

1687 - 1765

1700-1772, physician to Empress Maria Theresa, Dutch

Van Swieten, Gerard

1700 - 1772

1682-1771, physician; anatomist, Italian

Morgagni, Giovanni Battista

1682 - 1771

1688-1763, mathematical instrument maker; science lecturer, British; English

Hauksbee, Francis

1604 - 1763

c. 1687-1722

Dallyson, Jane

1687 - 1722

1685-1761, industrialist, Swedish

Alstromer, Jonas

1685 - 1761

1692-1780, writer, English; British

Lovett, Richard

1692 - 1780

1688-1768, geographer/cartographer, physicist & astronomer, French

L'Isle, Joseph Nicolas De

1688 - 1768

1690-1754, anatomist; physician, Belgian

Rega, Henricus Josephus

1690 - 1754

1696-1787, philosopher; naturalist, Polish born; German

Hollman, Samuel Christian

1696 - 1787

1683 -1741, pharmacist, German

Weinmann, Johann Wilhelm

1683 - 1741

1698-1843, naval dockyard, Plymouth, Devon, England

Plymouth Dockyard

1698 - 1843

active 1730s-1750s, engraver; portrait miniatturist, French

Cave, Francois Morellon La

1696 - 1769

1688-1772, scientist; philosopher; mystic; theologian, Swedish

Swedenborg, Emanuel

1688 - 1772

active 1710-1748, scientific instrument maker, English

Deane, William

1690 - 1750

1684-1756, engraver; antiquary, British

Vertue, George

1684 - 1756

1697-1764, astronomer; politician, England, British

Parker, George

1697 - 1764

active 1712-1751, mathematical instrument maker, British; English

Scott, Benjamin

1690 - 1751

1697-1767, surgeon; anatomist, Scottish; British

Monro, Alexander

1697 - 1767